Thursday, April 20, 2017

;fj{hlgs z}lIfs u'l7 cGt/ut :yflkt
afof]sf ;fd'bflos :s"n
cfnfkf]6, sf7df8f}+

lzIff g} lasf;sf] d"n cfwf/ xf] . lzIffn] dflg;sf] hLjgdf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g Nofpg ;Sg' kb{5 . ;f]Rg] tl/sfdf, dxz'; ug]{ tl/sfdf / p;sf] Aojxfl/s hLjgdf kl/jt{g cfof] eg] dfq lzIff kfPsf] ;fy{stf x'G5 . lzIffn] AolQmdf ;sf/fTds 1fg, pQm 1fg k|ltsf] ;sf/fTds wf/0ff / p;sf] wf/0ff cg'?ksf] Aojxf/ Nofpg ;kmn x'g'kb{5 .
u'0f:t/Lo tyf hLjg pkof]uL lzIff cfhsf] cfjZostf xf] . hgdfg;sf] rfxgf tyf lzIffsf cfwf/e't lz4fGtnfO{ dgg ub}{ k|ltj4, cToGt pT;fxL, st{Aolgi7, ;fd'lxs efjgfaf6 k]|l/t lzIfs lzlIfsfx?sf] lqmoflzntfdf ;+rflnt o; afof]sf ;fd'bflos :s"n d'gfkmf /lxt ;fj{hlgs z}lIfs u'l7 cGt/ut btf{ ul/Psf] Ps z}lIfs ;+:yf xf] . o; If]qsf lzIffdf ;dlk{t AolQmTjx? / :jo+;]jL a'l4hLjLx?sf] k|of;df la=;+= @)%* df :yflkt o; :s"naf6 xfn ;Dddf !) j6f P;=Pn=;L÷P;= O{= O{+ Aofrx?n] pTs[i7 glthf Nofpg ;kmn e} ;s]sf] 5 .
       o; :s"n xfdL ;a}sf] :s"n xf] . o;sf] ;+rfng, ;d|If0f tyf lasf;sf nflu xfdL ;a}sf] ;xefuLtf tyf ;xof]u rflxG5 . lgtfGt ;fd'bflos :s"n ePsf]n] of] xfd|f] ;femf ;DkQL xf] . t;y{, o; :s"ndf xfn ;Dd ePsf kl/jt{gx?sf] k|ToIf cjnf]sg ug{sf] nflu cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ . ;fy} oxfFx?sf] ;df/fTds ;'emfax?nfO{ ;b}j :jfut ub{5f}+ . 

xfd|f laz]iftfx?M
     ü of]Uo tyf tflnd k|fKt lzIfs lzlIfsf
     ü k|b'if0f /lxt ;'/lIft z}lIfs jftfj/0f
     ü Aojxfl/s Pj+ cfTd lge{/tf d"lv lzIff
     ü Go'g z}lIfs z'Ns, d'gfkmf /lxt ;fj{hlgs z}lIfs u'l7 cGt/ut ;+rflnt
     ü ;fdfGo z'Nsdf dG6]Zj/L k4ltdf lzIf0f
     ü ;+uLt, g[To, of]uf, df;{n cf6{, lrqsnf, Aofj;flos lzIffsf ;fy} laljw k/fd;{ sIffx?
     ü ;'ljwfo'Qm sDKo'6/, la1fg k|of]uzfnf tyf >f]to'Qm O{–nfO{a|]/L ;lxtsf] k':tsfno
     ü ;xh z'Nsdf :s"n a;
     ü ;dofg's'n z}lIfs cWoog e|d0f
     ü lgz'Ns lgoldt :jf:y hfFr
     ü kof{Kt cltl/Qm tyf ;x–z}Ifl0fs s[ofsnfk
     ü laljw /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o k|ltof]lutfx?df ;xefuLtf

z}lIfs ;q @)&$sf] nflu sIff g;{/L b]lv sIff gf} ;Dd gofF egf{sf] nflu xflb{s cfdGq0f ub{5f}+ . k|j]z kl/Iff / cl3Nnf] sIffsf] k|KtfÍsf] cfwf/df ;t\ k|lt;t ;Dd 5fqj[lQsf] Aoj:yf ul/Psf] hfgsf/L u/fOG5 .

Saturday, August 22, 2015

We have placed a School Sovereign Fund Collection Box in our office room and opened an account for the collection of the fund. We dreamed to have a big amount in this fund which will give us a good source(from its interest only) for the operation of the school in future. We request our friends, ex-students, students, parents, guardians, local bodies, teachers, foreign friends as well as all our well wishers to help to increase this fund. Please contact the school administration for further details.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

We would like to congratulate all of our SLC graduates for their 100% First Division Result. We wish for their great success ahead.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

We would like to thank all our students, guardians, management, teachers, ex-students, volunteers, sponsors, partners, local political leaders, ex-teachers as well as all well wishers for their great contributions to our school. It was impossible to bring our school to present height without their efforts, physical, mental as well as moral supports. We are grateful to all of them. Thank you.....
BAYOCA COMMUNITY SCHOOL is a Public Educational Trust School, a non profitable service motive school. Bayoca School is devoted to cater quality education in easy and affordable cost. It is established by the community, for the community.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We would like to request all to contact us if you have any new suggestions or any ideas to help our school. Your small help may be great for us. Your small help may be a good support to educate many children.


Bayoca's New Building

Admission Open

Admission Open
Admission Open